Friday, March 16, 2007

Evi -Edna Ogholi

Happy Birthday
The search for this song yesterday caused me to find the rest of her songs. I miss how Nigeria was in the 80's.

Gosh, I remember taunting my classmates in primary school with the chorus of this song, during those few times I had a new (toy/candy/item) that I knew they coveted.

Look before you Cross
I used to think that I knew that woman who was entering the molue in the first shot. You would think that this song was used as some sort of PSA... I guess the government and the different related parastatals officials were too busy lining their pockets and bank accounts to be concerned about the people back then. Btw I love the huge puffy sleeves.


shhhh said...

thank you for these songs via the videos, especially oooo yeah i wish u a happy birthday, brought a tear to my eye in nostalgia

Anonymous said...

men that smile....
those where the days