Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Some music I'm feeling right now


Pretty eyes right? Who else has heard her music? I was sent a link to her website a while back, and though she's based in New York, I keep getting emails of her tour dates. It's all good though, I like to be "in the know" If you must box her into one genre of music, the jazz would be it, but you can create other categories for her, neo-afri-jazz comes to mind, but you pick one for yourself.

Like a true afrique chic, this Illinois born, Ugandan/Rwandan managed to finish her Master's at Tisch while keeping to her intense touring schedule. Her next performance is at the French Caribbean Jazz Festival in Cayenne, so who wants to meet me there? (and donate a R/T ticket and hotel stay while we're there, I'll bring the sunscreen promise)

I would upload her music here, but I'm pretty sure that falls
under some sort of piracy issue, and I'm not one to give Africans a bad name, so please visit Somi on her myspace page and have a listen for yourself.

yes it's myspace again, there's a reason they keep getting so much airplay on the news, EVERYONE is on myspace

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